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喜报!博彩网站推荐 博士后流动站三位博士后吕维扬、连宇顺、NAIRAN ADEELA获中国博士后科学基金第72批面上资助


近日,中国博士后科学基金公示了第72批面上资助拟资助人员名单,博彩网站推荐 博士后吕维扬、连宇顺、NAIRAN ADEELA荣获二等博士后基金资助。



博彩网站推荐-中国博彩平台排名 博士后,全国船舶舾装标准化技术委员会观察员,全国船舶舾装标准化技术委员会船用系泊索缆工作组委员,长期从事深海纤维缆绳的系泊技术研发。2016年天津大学港口海岸及近海工程博士毕业;2016年至2019年先后在河海大学和美国俄勒冈州立大学开展海洋工程博士后研究;2019年获聘河海大学副研究员,硕士生导师;2022年获聘河海大学教授岗位。2022年6月至今在浙江理工大学绍兴古纤道博士后工作站,在陈文兴院士和金革正高级工程师的指导下,开展《高强聚酯系泊缆绳复杂力学性能及其在海洋工程中的应用》的研究工作。

研究方向为新型深水系泊技术。主持国家基金青年项目1项,快速响应项目1项,省部基金 2项,发表了19篇论文,其中第一作者SCI论文8篇,担任SCI期刊Journal of marine science and engineering的《Hydrodynamics and mooring analysis of floating structures》的客座主编。

Adeela Nairan

In 2016, she was awarded her Ph.D. in Material Science and Engineering from the University of the Punjab, an esteemed and top-ranked university in Pakistan. After obtaining a Ph.D., she joined the prestigious “Division of Energy and Environmental Sciences” group at Tsinghua University. She worked as a full-time postdoc fellow from April 2017 to March 2021. She is currently a postdoc fellow at the School of Materials Science and Engineering, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University. Her research interests fall on designing and fabricating efficient and economical catalysts for electrocatalysis, such as synthesizing defective electrocatalysts for fuel cell and water splitting applications.

Research Outcomes:

She has made significant contributions to Material Science and Engineering and published a career total of 50 high-quality SCI research articles and 4 Conference Proceedings in well-reputed journals such as Energy & Environmental Sciences, Advanced Functional Materials, Energy Storage Materials, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, and Chemical Engineering Journal. Her publications have attracted more than 1300 citations with an h-index of 17 as of November 2022. The citations of a single paper are 438+ (Energy & Environmental Science, 2020, 13, 86). The highest impact factor of a single paper is 39.714 (Energy & Environmental Science, 2021, 14, 1594; Energy & Environmental Science, 2020, 13, 86). Her published works have received a highly positive evaluation from the division of energy and environmental sciences experts.



博彩网站推荐-中国博彩平台排名 讲师,硕士生导师,在浙江大学获高分子材料与工程学士学位(2013年)、材料科学与工程专业博士研究生学位(2018年),2022年7月至今在浙江佳人新材料有限公司开展企业联合培养博士后研究工作。



1、 主持国家自然科学基金1项,浙江省自然科学基金1项和企业横向项目2项,作为研究骨干参与浙江省重点研发计划、宁波市重点研发计划等重大课题多项;

2、 以第一作者/通讯作者在《Adv. Funct. Mater.》、《J. Mater. Chem. A》、《Chem. Eng. J》等期刊上发表SCI论文15篇,授权国家发明专利4项;指导本科生在SCI一区等期刊上发表论文3篇;

3、 获中国化学会“化工与材料京博博士论文奖”提名奖;获2021年度中国纺织工业联合会纺织高等教育教学成果奖特等奖(5/5)。